Monday, January 29, 2007

"Pluralism" or "Elite"

Well I've got to be honest, I don't really follow politics. For the most part, I have spent the past few years in a bubble. But those days are over. Now I have to say if I think America is run by groups with evenly dispersed power or a few elite people with all of the power.

I think that America is much more "elitist" than "pluralist." There are a few top officials and money holders that pretty much control the country. Advocacy groups and individuals may, at times, think they have a good portion of the power. However, in reality the pie is sliced very unevenly. The power is in the hands of the few at the top. It seems like many of the decisions are really made behind closed doors and under really expensive tables rather than by the public, for the public.


Christopher_Duke said...

If you ever have time, go see a session of the Legislature... highly back door!

marge said...

I agree with you Katie. I think that most of the political power in the United States lies in the hands of an elite few, though I think that American citizens can and should take a more active role in the government. We need to get out there and vote!

Christopher_Duke said...

Totally agree with you girls. People need to go out and be educated voters!